DMC Eco-Vita Wool Threads- converted to DMC Floss colors

Free Thread Conversion Chart Available!

Find this helpful chart under SUPPLIES: DMC Eco-Vita Threads to DMC Floss Conversion List - FREE.

Orphaned Wool has created a convenient Thread Conversion Chart to help you easily convert DMC Eco-Vita Wool Threads into DMC 6-strand Floss. This free, downloadable PDF allows you to adapt any Orphaned Wool pattern designed with DMC Eco-Vita Wool into DMC 6-strand Floss colors.

The Orphaned Wool color conversion chart represents the closest thread color matches, with careful consideration of complementary colors to ensure a harmonious look when used together in a design.

Since DMC Eco-Vita Wool Threads are thicker, you may need to slightly increase the number of strands when converting to DMC 6-strand Floss.

Happy Creating!