Orphaned Wool Rug Hooking-PDF Digital Downloadable Patterns are a fantastic pattern option now available. The PDF Download Pattern is a 5/6-page file that is easy to download and print on your home printer. These patterns are perfect for Rug Hooking/Rug Punching(Oxford) Artists.
Orphaned Wool Rug Hooking/Rug Punch patterns are designed to be enlarged and Include helpful pattern enlargement size information and size suggestions, A material supply resource list, the custom-designed full-color placement guide, and of course, the beautiful pattern.
Also enclosed as part of the PDF download purchase is the Artist's signed copyright permission slip/ agreement for a maximum of 3 pattern enlargements to use at your local copy center.
PDF digital download patterns print on standard-size paper. Everything will print in black ink except for part of the main page and the color placement guide, which will print in color. Large-size patterns will print on several pages and include detailed information on assembling the design before starting the enlargement process.
Why purchase a PDF enlargeable Rug Hooking pattern?
First, the cost savings on the pattern itself and the savings created by transferring the design yourself and choosing and using your favorite backing material. The ability to customize the pattern's enlargement size for your personal use This can be quickly done in several ways, first by choosing one of the enlargement size suggestions listed in the design or using the enlargement formula provided in the pattern download to create a custom size.
Orphaned Wool patterns are also customizable; you can choose to add a border to part or all sides of the design, giving you a personalized size and a one-of-a-kind design.
Finally, the beautiful full-color placement guide shows you every color used to create the pattern and color placement throughout the design. This guide lets you see how each color is distributed throughout the design, making it easy to change any color.
Digital Download PDF Rug Hooking Patterns are a fantastic way to avoid shipping costs and delays, along with additional savings as a PDF download pattern. What could be better?
Orphaned Wool designs are detailed (not complicated) and include many design elements, not a lot of open space, which keeps the Artist engaged & excited throughout the creative process.
I hope you enjoy these new digital PDF downloads Rug Hooking patterns by Orphaned Wool!